Get an in-depth look at Oahu on the Grand Circle Island Tour! You’ll travel the island stopping at world-renowned surf spots, historic sites, foodie towns, and the famous North Shore. test caaassfdsfsHere are just a few of the fun things you can do on the tour fsdfs dfsf dfdasf ...
Show MoreWe tried out a qday in Hawaii and it completely transformed our trip to Kauai. We ended up doing all of the driving tours on the island. Our 6 year old son, kept asking “Can we turn on the Shaka tour yet?” The whole family loved it! We were thrilled to see more tours in the contential states!
Smryansyndey | 1 month ago | iOSWe used the Shaka Guide tour for Waimea Canyon and Na Pali coast and it was everything and more for what we needed. Easy directions, accurate GPS, and we saw more sites than we could have imagined! The tour was very informative and gave us insights to Hawaii’s history, legends, and local folklore. We loved it and can’t wait to use it on Maui! Well worth the money.
Kauai review | 1 month ago | iOSMy wife and I used the Shaka tours over five different days during our stay on the big island. We really enjoyed the experience and believe that we got to see so much more of the culture in Hawaii because of these tours. Considering the cost is $30 for the package of five tours, it’s the best value out there in terms of a Hawaii vacation. Make sure you prepare - bring snacks, change of clothes, snorkel, gear, swimsuits, etc., as different spots are pointed out on each of the tours. this is a terrific way for those with a bit of venture to see the islands on their terms.
Fredo2013 | 1 month ago | iOSPellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce quam neque, eleifend vel pellentesque fermentum, sagittis a odio. Ut pretium ac tellus eu consectetur. Vivamus gravida, felis quis interdum faucibu...
Show MorePellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce quam neque, eleifend vel pellentesque fermentum, sagittis a odio. Ut pretium ac tellus eu consectetur. Vivamus gravida, felis quis interdum faucibus, quam quam egestas purus, nec mattis erat dolor at purus. Proin consequat ex eu porta semper. Maecenas imperdiet mi elit, quis varius leo consectetur et. Nam vel sapien lacus. Praesent aliquam, mi vel lobortis ullamcorper, elit turpis sollicitudin arcu, a sollicitudin tellus ex sed lacus. Donec ac eleifend odio. In sit amet tortor vel nisl vehicula tincidunt. Phasellus consectetur velit quis pellentesque finibus. Morbi tincidunt ornare sapien, ut accumsan elit cursus sed. Suspendisse quis feugiat metus, quis tincidunt ex. Duis tempus tellus convallis, fringilla mauris eget, varius nibh.
Nam quis tortor sagittis, elementum risus vitae, porttitor nibh. Duis rhoncus velit molestie turpis sagittis, at semper ante molestie. Integer sed tincidunt turpis. Etiam pulvinar vel orci vitae egestas. Sed fringilla velit in egestas egestas. Nun...
Show MoreNam quis tortor sagittis, elementum risus vitae, porttitor nibh. Duis rhoncus velit molestie turpis sagittis, at semper ante molestie. Integer sed tincidunt turpis. Etiam pulvinar vel orci vitae egestas. Sed fringilla velit in egestas egestas. Nunc auctor erat nunc, in consequat tellus tincidunt nec. Curabitur aliquet interdum lectus euismod tempor. Quisque nunc sapien, malesuada et posuere non, volutpat sed nisl. Integer tincidunt quam at ligula ullamcorper, eu dignissim eros laoreet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus tellus nulla, ultrices viverra lectus sit amet, dignissim commodo nisi.
Aenean dictum varius leo, sed porttitor magna varius ac. In suscipit erat et metus mattis, viverra commodo nulla sollicitudin. Nunc imperdiet consequat purus. Suspendisse urna ante, faucibus porttitor blandit quis, aliquet ac diam. Phasellus sed v...
Show MoreAenean dictum varius leo, sed porttitor magna varius ac. In suscipit erat et metus mattis, viverra commodo nulla sollicitudin. Nunc imperdiet consequat purus. Suspendisse urna ante, faucibus porttitor blandit quis, aliquet ac diam. Phasellus sed vehicula augue, a fermentum orci. Praesent volutpat enim a elit pharetra malesuada. Sed luctus ante et arcu pharetra vehicula. Nulla egestas condimentum velit, eget viverra augue luctus vitae. Cras tincidunt urna orci, vel finibus mi mattis quis. Maecenas consectetur iaculis ex, nec vulputate nisi placerat condimentum.
Think of us as your personal tour guide in an app. Our tours provide everything a guided tour does, but with the freedom to explore on your terms. Here's how it works:
Think of us as your personal tour guide in an app. Our tours provide everything a guided tour does, but with the freedom to explore on your terms. Here's how it works:
Pretty cool huh? We think so! Check out our tours and let's explore together.